We cultivate a total of 5.5 hectares of vineyards. All work; Cutting, binding binding, leaf cutting and harvesting are carried out by our small team.
The heart of our winery is 1.5 hectares of slate, in which no machines can be used. Our top wines "Clemens A" and "Clemens S" grow here. The reason for this is the extensive and deep rooting that can only be found here. Some of our vineyards have been used for winegrowing for around 2000 years. We work there so that the following generations will find healthy vineyard soils. Global warming requires special attention to be paid to water retention. We pursue this by growing deep-rooted herb mixtures between the vines, which increase the humus content. If the floors are too stony, cover the entire surface with straw or chopped wood. The vegetation under the sticks is cut instead of hosed down.